Oil spill at the Chevron


Contra Costa County officials temporarily issued a public health advisory for portions of Richmond, North Richmond and San Pablo after an oil spill into San Francisco Bay at the Chevron Refinery in Richmond on Tuesday.

The cause of the spill was not immediately known, but officials at the scene determined that roughly 600 gallons leaked, Bay Area Air Quality Management District officials said on Twitter.

The investigation into the spill is a multi-agency effort involving Chevron, the U.S. Coast Guard, California Office of Spill Prevention and Response, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Contra Costa County, Chevron officials told reported. Other state and federal agencies “may elect to join the investigation,” said Tyler Kruzich, a Chevron spokesperson.

Kruzich told The Chronicle that Chevron officials are “developing an estimate of how much hydrocarbon was released, in addition to testing the hydrocarbon to determine its composition.”

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Saved: 19.09.2024

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