Italy and Turkey tighten quarantine
Quarantine is intensified in Italy due to the increase in the number of patients with Covid-19. A requirement is introduced to wear a protective mask from 18:00 to 06:00 in premises and in public places (squares, streets) throughout the country. Mass celebrations and discos have been canceled. The quarantine was tightened to reopen school safely in September. In general, the growth of new patients with coronavirus in Italy is less than in Europe. Quarantine measures are also intensifying in Turkey due to the increase in the number of new cases of coronavirus infection. This was announced by the Turkish Ministry of Health on Sunday, August 16. The restrictions apply to the provinces of Siirt, Gaziantep, Shanliurfa, Elazig, Van, Kayseri, Yalova, Bartin. In all these provinces, elderly people over 65 were restricted from using public transport and visiting shopping centers and markets, banned from picnics and from attending religious and public events, in particular, engagement and weddings. In addition, some provinces have banned shop windows and goods on sidewalks to keep on social distancing. The social distance was extended in recreation areas - up to four meters.
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