What is the OECD?
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is a unique association in which the governments of 30 countries with market economies work together to solve socio-economic and governance problems arising in the context of globalization, and also explore the opportunities it provides. (www.oecd.org)
Th.organization is a forum wherein governments can exchange their experiences in resolving political problems, get answers to common questions, learn about the positive experiences of other countries and coordinate their national and foreign policies. This is a forum where, with the interaction of equal partners, powerful initiatives are born aimed at improving policies, and internationally agreed tools, solutions and recommendations are developed in those areas in which multilateral agreement is necessary for individual countries to achieve progress in the context of economic globalization.
The exchange of experience between the governments of OECD member countries is based on the analyses provided by the Secretariat in Paris. The Secretariat collects data, monitors trends, analyzes them and makes forecasts in the field of economic development. It also conducts research on social change and designes policy models in the areas of trade, environmental protection, agriculture, technology, taxation, etc.
OECD helps governments to implement programs aimed at the prosperity of their countries and fight poverty by supporting economic growth, financial stability, trade and investment development, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and development assistance. The OECD is committed to ensure that countries take into account socio-economic development effects on the environment. The OECD tasks also include jobs creation for everyone, ensuring social equality, good and effective public administration.
The OECD is at the forefront of efforts to ensure mutual understanding and help governments achieve new development challenges and solve their concerns. This includes restructuring trade and structural change, protecting online information, and addressing poverty reduction in the developing world.
For over 40 years the OECD has served as the world's largest and most reliable source of comparable statistical and socio-economic data.
OECD databases cover such diverse areas as national accounts systems, economic indicators, trade, employment, migration, education, energy, health and the environment. Most research and analytical materials are published.
Over the past decade the OECD has dealt with a number of socioeconomic and environmental issues along with further expanding engagement with business, trade unions, and other civil society representatives. For example, OECD-led tax and transfer pricing negotiations have prompted bilateral tax treaties worldwide.
OECD is a group of like-minded countries. The main criterion for countries to join the OECD is a commitment to a market economy and democratic pluralism. This is a ric.organization in the sense that 30 of its members produce 60% of the total volume of goods and services in the world, and at the same time it is a.organization open to all. Non-member countries are invited to join OECD agreements and treaties, th.organization shares its experience and exchanges views on issues of mutual concern with more than 70 countries around the world.
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Saved: 21.04.2023