The activities of the NCC were described at the seminar
June 25 of this year The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Institute of economic research JSC held a joint online seminar for representatives of Central Government Agencies, local executive bodies, as well as NCE «Atameken», non-governmenta.organizations and trade unions to explain the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies and the activities of the National Contact Center. Today, international investment is the driving force of the global economy and the international business environment has undergone a number of significant structural changes over the past three decades. At the same time, Responsible Business Conduct is an important element of an open international investment climate. Multinational enterprises often operate in multiple countries and in different cultural, legal and regulatory environments. In this regard, the relevance of the seminar is significant, during which the following issues were considered: - cooperation of Kazakhstan with the OECD; - activities of the National Contact Center; - procedure for submitting requests to the National Contact Center; - OECD Guidelines for multinational companies. The speakers of the seminar were: Nurlan Shokbarbayev – Director of Department of Investment Policy of the MNE RK; Ruslan Sultanov - Chairman of the Management Board of Institute of Economic Research JSC; Tatyana Zinovich - member of the National Contact Center, Director of the Social Fund «Center for Legal Policy Research» About 40 participants took part in the online seminar. At the end of the seminar, the participants expressed a common opinion on the relevance and timeliness of its holding.
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