New deal for development: laying the foundation for a sustainable recovery
The Management Committee of Development Centre of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) held its 6th High-level Meeting online. This event was held to share experience on preventing the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic as well as proposals for mitigating social consequences and ways for a multilateral system to support national strategies of developing countries. The OECD Development Centre is one of the three institutions that form a single OECD Development Cluster along with the Development Assistance Committee and Development Co-operation Directorate. Meeting i.organized under the thematic blocks - "Building resilient and inclusive societies" and "Redefining globalization beyond economic sustainability". It was opened by the Chairman of Governing Council of the OECD Development Centre, Ambassador of Spain to the OECD Manuel Escudero and Director of the OECD Development Centre and Special Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General on Development Mario Pezzini. The meeting was attended by more than 190 participants from various countries at the level of Ministers, Vice-Ministers, Ambassadors and Heads of variou.organizations as well as viewers who watched the Meeting through the OECD WEB TV platform. Chairman of the Board of JSC "Economic Research Institute" Ruslan Sultanov took part as the party from the Republic of Kazakhstan. This meeting served as a platform for dialogue on information exchange between OECD member states in the field of economic and social policy, during which it was noted that temporary measures taken in many countries to strengthen social protection and ensure the livelihood have become an important element of response to crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the reports of speakers as well as discussions among all participants on priorities, learned lessons and necessary reforms adopted on pandemic, OECD Deputy Secretary-General Jeff Schlagenhauf announced the end of the 6th High-Level Meeting of the OECD Development Centre Management Committee.
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