ERI and YNTYMAQ Coordination council
11 February 2021 The Chairman of the Management Board of the Economic Research Institute Ruslan Sultanov and Chairman of Coordination Council of Social Partnership and Labour Payment System Modernization (YNTYMAQ) Meiram Kazhyken have signed a Memorandum of mutual understanding and cooperation. The purpose of the Memorandum is to implement cooperation for distribution of the Governing Principles of the OECD for the multinational companies and for the National Contact Point.
Cooperation between the YNTYMAQ Coordination council and the ERI will result in improving the activity of the National Contact Point of Kazakhstan to the better level of quality and transit to the OECD standards of responsible business conduction realization regime.
The direct interest of industrial professional unions along with the NCP Secretariat will help in discussion of problems and ways of their elimination by conducting the joint consultations, seminars, training, conferences and by preparing the analytical materials.
It is also expected that the coordinated activity will be reflected in the preparation of projects of the normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, containing the standards of the best OECD practices, and will result in the improvement of the socioeconomic positions of the employees of multinational companies and other interested parties.
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