OECD Global Forum
On June 15-17, the IX Annual OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct (hereinafter - the Forum) was held on the Responsible Business Conduct as the new normal for a sustainable future The Forum provides the discussion platform within the framework of the OECD for key global economic and social policy issues related to responsible business conduct standards and development promotion of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (hereinafter - the OECD Guidelines). The online event was attended by representatives of the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point and the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, representatives of more than 130 countries, including UN countries, the International Labor Organization, structural divisions of the OECD and government structures of the OECD member states responsible for the formation and development of responsible business conduct standards. The Forum panel session discussed aspects of the use of responsible business conduct standards, in particular, how they can help eliminate the vulnerability of the supply chain and restore confidence in the global economic system. One of the key issues identified was the revision of the current responsible business conduct standards from the perspective of integrating the business community and civil society into the Sustainable Development Goals. A separate Forum discussion point block was devoted to the activities of National Contact Points (NCPs), since this mechanism provides more than 85% of foreign direct investment attraction. Due to the fact that the latest edition of the OECD Guidelines was adopted ten years ago, and the global landscape of responsible and sustainable business has undergone profound changes, the participants considered ideas for strengthening the role of the OECD Guidelines. With regard to business commitments to the Paris Agreement, which seeks to regulate measures to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, participants discussed a climate transition based on the transformation of modern business processes. At the conclusion of the Forum, the participants decided to initiate a public consultation on the follow-up to the updating of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The purpose of the new Responsible Business Conduct Standards is to strengthen and enhance the potential of the OECD Guidelines.
OECD is an international economi.organization of developed countries, established in 1948 and recognizing the principles of representative democracy and free market economy. The goal of the OECD is to implement coordinated policies aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the living standards of its member states. 37 countries are members of the OECD. Kazakhstan has been cooperating with the OECD since 2008. To ensure effective coordination of programmes and initiatives, the Coordinating Council for Cooperation with the OECD was established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes all government agencies at the ministerial level. The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan performs the overall coordination at the national level. NCP is a collegial advisory body that makes decisions on complaints under consideration about violations of the Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development for Multinational Enterprises. The NCP Secretariat was established for the NCP effectively management.
Economic Research Institute JSC performs the Secretariat functions. ERI is also appointed th.organization responsible for the interaction on OECD issues in Kazakhstan.
See also: Meeting of the Working Group on Responsible Business Conduct of the OECD Investment Committee
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