65th Session of the OECD Public Administration Committee
The meeting was attended by representatives of the OECD member countries, as well as the BRICS countries (a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). In total, about 240 representatives of government agencies and variou.organizations participated in the discussions. Representatives of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Economic Research Institute JSC participated from the Kazakhstan side. The session was held in the videoconferencing format and consisted of eight blocks: April 20 1. Welcome and discussion of the Draft Annotated Agenda and Summary Reports. 2. Preparation for the Ministerial Governance Committee meeting -Part I. 3. Participation in the Global Forum and Ministerial Committee Meeting (closed session for OECD members only). 4. 4. Key findings of OECD research on the drivers of trust in public institutions (closed session for OECD members only). April 21 5. Preparation for the Ministerial Public Administration Committee Meeting - Part II. April 22 6. Prioritize and present the Committee's Program of Work and Budget. 7. Other matters. 8. Updating the basic principles of joining the Committee (closed session for OECD members only). The three-day session discussed the working points of the OECD Public Administration Committee, the preparatory process for the upcoming Public Administration Committee Ministerial Meeting on November 18, 2022 and the Global Forum on November 17, 2022 (draft agenda and working materials), as well as the issue of updating the basic principles for joining the Committee.
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