Session of the OECD Public Administration Committee - Council Recommendation on general principles for enhancing access to and sharing of data


On April 23, 2020, representatives of the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Economic Research Institute JSC remotely participated in the 61st session of the OECD Public Administration Committee in form of a video conference on the ZOOM site.  The session was attended by over 190 participants from 40 countries.

During the session, the OECD Secretariat informed Committee members about recent initiatives to collect data and analyze government responses to the coronavirus pandemic (COVD-19).  Participants in the 61st Session were invited to share the experience of countries in responding to the pandemic.

They also discussed draft recommendations of the Infrastructure Management Council and the Council on general principles for expanding access and data exchange, the initiative to create a Sustainable Development Goal Management Center (SDG) and the Committee’s Work Program and Budget for 2021-2022.

Views: 2034
Saved: 18.08.2020


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