
What does the "taxation" principle mean? According to the "taxation" principle, multinational companies must comply with tax legislation as a key element of risk supervision and management system. The obligations of multinational companies to cooperate, be transparent, and comply with tax laws should be reflected in the risk management system, as well as relevant structures and policies.
What does the "fight against corruption" principle mean? Within the framework of the "fight against corruption" principle, multinational enterprises should not offer bribes or demand them in relation to authorities or partners, either independently or through intermediaries. Businesses must prohibit bribery and ensure that any donations to political causes fully comply with public transparency requirements and are notified to government authorities.
Can I apply directly to the OECD? The application should be sent directly to the National Contact Point. The OECD does not have a complaint mechanism. 3) if the Head Office of the multinational enterprise is located (or the multinational enterprise operates) in another country, the NCP in another country must be informed of receiving a complaint about alleged violation of the OECD Guidelines.
How much do the NCP services cost? Consideration of applications in the National Contact Point is free of charge.
Does the NCP cover costs of mediation?
Mediation services, at the Party's
, can be provided by:
What is the procedure for submitting applications? The mechanism for submitting complaints is set out in the NCP's procedure for handling complaints about violations of the OECD Guidelines, which can be found on the NCP's website.
Does the NCP adhere to the principle of confidentiality? The NCP ensures protection of confidential and business information obtained during consideration of the application. The documentation on application considered by the NCP, other than the documents that are publicly available on the NCP website, is confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure, including regime of access to information.
How can I find out the status of the application execution? The progress and status of application consideration is posted at NCP's website

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