Round table with the participation of NCP
Today, on June 29, the representatives of the Kazakhstan office of National Contact Point (hereinafter - the NCP Secretariat) took part in a round table on the topic "Strategy of industry trade unions of the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan for development of working conditions and promotion of social dialogue at multinational enterprises of the industry". The event brought together more than 40 people from among the representatives of industry trade unions of Kazakhstan, the International Labor Organization, and foreign experts. The main purpose of the round table was to discuss the situation of interaction with multinational enterprises in the field of labor and industrial relations. In particular, the participants analyzed the rights of workers, the system of occupational safety and health, the effectiveness of measures taken to mitigate the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the role of social dialogue during the pandemic.
The participants were particularly interested in the process of interaction: trade union – NCP - multinational enterprise. In addition to the traditional standards of the International Labor Organization, the NCP Secretariat highlights the standards of responsible business conduct set out in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in the Areas of labor and industrial relations, as well as human rights. The participants of the round table were presented the results of the work carried out jointly with the YNTYMAQ Coordination Council and aimed at consolidating the criteria of multinational enterprises necessary for the effective functioning of NCP in Kazakhstan. In conclusion, the participants of the event were offered further cooperation with NCP of Kazakhstan to improve the current situation in the field of labor protection and safety.
NCC is a collegial advisory body that makes decisions on complaints under consideration about violations of the provisions of the Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD) and Development for Multinational Enterprises. In order to effectively ensure th.organization of the work of NCC, the NCC Secretariat has been established.
Economic Research Institute JSC performs the Secretariat functions. ERI is also appointed th.organization responsible for the interaction on OECD issues in Kazakhstan.
Read also: Online meeting of the NCP Network on Responsible Business Conduct of the OECD
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