NCP meeting


NCP meeting with the Human Rights Commissioner in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Today, November 9, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point (NCP) and Alisher Abdykadyrov, the Vice Minister of National Economy met with Elvira Azimova, the Human Rights Commissioner in Kazakhstan.

The aim of the meeting is to establish interaction and coordinate joint efforts in the framework of respecting human rights in the activities of multinational enterprises.

During the meetingAlisher Abdykadyrov noted that the work on the NCP is of great importance for Kazakhstan, and in this regard the support of the Human Rights Commissioner and cooperation in this activity will give a positive impetus.

Ruslan Sultanovthe Chairman of Economic Research Institute (ERI) JSC, presented the NCP mechanism and the forthcoming plans to disseminate and and provide extensive coverage of the OECD Guidelines as well as the NCP.


Elvira Azimovain turnnoted the importance and necessity of this work in the context of increasing the country's investment potential and attracting investment.

At the end of the meeting, the parties decided to sign a Joint Action Plan between the NCP and the Human Rights Commissioner to promote the NCP and OECD Guidelines.

Read more about NCP 



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