NCP and the Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of MTI RK


Simplification of the certification system and improved cooperation on NCP activities

On October 3, Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point of Economic Research Institute JSC (NCP) held a meeting with Kuanysh YelikbayevActing Chairman of the Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of MTI RK.

During the meeting, the Secretariat representatives spoke in detail about the ongoing work and activities of the Kazakhstan NCP.

It is well known that ERI is defined by the Secretariat of the National Contact Point (NCP) of Kazakhstan, which has been operating since 2017 represented by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan NCP is a collegial advisory body deciding on appeals about violations of the OECD Guidelines. 

The parties discussed issues on responsible business standards according to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in the field of human rights and environmental protection, payment of taxes, ensuring proper conditions for workers, maintaining fair competition conditions, combating bribery, and dissemination of achievements in science and technology policy.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a set of principles designed to ensure that multinational companies operate in a manner consistent with public policy, strengthen the basis for mutual trust between business and society, assist in improving the investment climate, and enhance the contribution of multinational enterprises to sustainable development. 

There were also discussed topical issues associated with the zero tariff for microbusiness representatives in the certification procedures for goods.

The main issue concerned the development of new approaches to simplify and reduce the burden on representatives of microbusinesses engaged in production. This measure will reducing the certification cost of goods produced by representatives of microbusinesses, which stimulates the active work of entrepreneurs.

Following the meeting, the parties emphasized the mutual interest in the NCP activities. Also, Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of MTI RK stressed its readiness for active cooperation.

Photo, from left to right: Kuanysh Yelikbayev, Acting Chairman of the Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of MTI RK, Aziza Kassenova, Head of the NCP Secretariat, Ruslan Sultanov, Chief Executive Officer of ERI JSC.

For reference:

Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of MTI RK is a department of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Performs regulatory, implementation and control functions and participates in the strategic functions of the Ministry in the areas of technical regulation and metrology.


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Saved: 09.03.2025

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