The first anniversary conference of the National Contact Center of Kazakhstan was held in Astana
On November 21, 2022, the First Anniversary Conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the functioning of the NCC in Kazakhstan was held in Astana at the Economic Research Institute (ERI) JSC. The purpose of the conference is to promote the OECD
Guidelines, promote the dissemination of the OECD standards of responsible
business conduct, and develop recommendations for the further development of
the NCC. The conference program consisted of three parts, was held
in a hybrid format and became a discussion platform for representatives of
government agencies, business, associations, industry trade unions,
non-governmenta.organizations and others. At the official part of the event, the Minister of
National Economy of Kazakhstan – Chairman of the Kazakhstan NCC Alibek
Kuantyrov, Head of the OECD-Eurasia division William Thompson and Chairman of
the ERI Board Ruslan Sultanov delivered a welcoming speech marking the opening
of the conference. The first panel session was devoted to discussing Kazakhstan's obligations under the OECD on responsible business conduct in the areas of human rights, labor and industrial relations, consumer interests and environmental protection. According to these areas, the most frequent applications
are received by the NCC of all countries, in connection with which the Kazakh
NCC pays close attention to these areas and promotes the dissemination of OECD
standards. During the first panel session, Director of the Modern
Society Research Institute LLP Meiram Kazhyken outlined the importance
of a strong civil society for the development of Kazakhstan, and the fact that
the NCC is the main conductor of the principles of corporate governance: "According to the principles of corporate
governance, the production council is a way to involve employees in making
production decisions. In this regard,
the NCC, as a unique body, should implement the principles of OECD corporate
governance in Kazakhstan." President of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan Banu
Nurgaziyeva noted the main task of civil servants on civil society issues: "These issues should first of all be included in the professional
development plan of civil servants of the Academy of Public Administration
under the President of Kazakhstan. In this regard, a memorandum was signed this year with the Kazakhstan
office of the NCC to disseminate the OECD Guidelines for Multinational
Companies." Deputy Chairman of the Investment Committee of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Larisa Dzhumagalieva: "The Roadmap for the development of the NCC contains good plans to promote and popularize the activities of this mechanism. Taking into account the opinion of civil society, as well as the interests of social strata of the population, I think we need high-quality FDI investment attraction." The discussion was also attended by the Director and Chairman of the Public Association "Consumer Protection Society "Adilet" Yerkin Tompiev, President of the Direct Sales Association Anastasia Kalashnikova, General Director of the Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives "ECOJER" Rustem Kabzhanov. During the second session of the conference,
the participants discussed the importance of the NCC mechanism as an
alternative way to resolve disputes. Interesting and relevant reports were
presented here in the field of modern problems of responsible business conduct
in various fields, ranging from human rights, workers' rights and occupational
safety, also affecting issues of access to information, taxation and
environmental protection. The speaker of the discussion, professional
mediator, mediator trainer, Deputy Director of the International Center for
Mediation and Law "Consent" Ruzanna Esentemirova, noted the readiness
to hold joint explanatory seminars among trade unions on compliance with OECD
standards: "For the further development of the NCC, we need to
think about how to introduce mediators into the NCC system. Our task is to
train NCC employees with the competence of mediators." In turn, Tatiana Zinovich noted that at the moment a large program is being implemented with the support of the Embassy of Japan on the UN guidelines on business promotion and human rights in Kazakhstan:
All participants of the conference expressed interest in further cooperation with the Kazakhstan office of the NCC to popularize this mechanism and implement the OECD Guidelines. The conference participants expressed their
gratitude for the important and useful event, the professional work of the
organizers. They noted the speakers' presentations, which aroused great
interest due to their scientific novelty and practical significance. Regular
holding of such thematic conferences is of great importance for the development
of the NCC in Kazakhstan. For reference: The NCC of Kazakhstan is a collegial advisory body that makes decisions on
complaints about violations of the provisions of the OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises.
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