NCC experts were trained in due diligence in the field of human rights by the UNDP project


From November 16 to 17, 2022, the Secretariat of the National Contact Center (NCC) participated in a training course on the conduct and implementation of due diligence policies in the field of human rights for Japanese companies, their suppliers and partners in Kazakhstan.

The training wa.organized within the framework of the project of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan to promote responsible business, implemented with the support of the Government of Japan.

Among the participants of the training are representatives of large Kazakhstani companies (Kazmunaigas, KEGOC, Kazatomprom and others), as well as the Center of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan, NCE RK "Atameken".

The purpose of the training is to increase the capacity of Japanese companies, their suppliers and partners to develop and implement due diligence policies in the field of human rights in their companies.

Gen Nakatani, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan on international human rights issues, in his video address to the participants of the training noted the following:

«I am happy to observe the development of this project and th.organization of trainings on due diligence in the field of human rights and have high hopes for positive results. 

As you are well aware, global efforts to address business and human rights issues continue to intensify. For those companies that conduct their business on a global scale, it is becoming increasingly important to implement due diligence policies in their global supply chains as a key to the success of their corporate activities. 

I believe that this UNDP training will be a good opportunity for each participant to learn how to implement a due diligence policy in the field of human rights that will correspond to the economic situation, culture and business realities in the countries where your company operates, while being based on international standards.».

The training program included an overview of the concept of "Business and human rights", principles of due diligence in the field of human rights, including the need to implement existing tools for enhanced due diligence in the field of human rights during conflicts, complaint mechanisms and human rights management in responsible supply chains.

The experts of the training were Olena Uvarova, head of the international laboratory "Business and Human Rights" of the Kharkiv National Law University. Yaroslav the Wise and Tatiana Zinovich, Acting Director of the Law Policy Research Center, member of the core staff of the Kazakhstan NCC.

During the training, within the framework of interactive sessions, participants were able to get acquainted with the principles of implementing due diligence on human rights in practice, discuss problematic issues, identify adverse impacts on human rights, and take measures to eliminate them.

Following the results of the training, the participants were awarded certificates of participation.

For reference:

The Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have joined forces to advance the global human rights agenda in business through a recently launched project entitled "Promoting Responsible Business Conduct with a particular focus on promoting due diligence in human rights issues in global supply chains and the effective use of the UN Guiding Principles in areas of business activity in the aspect of human rights in the interests of a just recovery." 

Projects implemented in 17 countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, are aimed at promoting the national concept of doing business in the aspect of human rights and strengthening the practice of responsible business of Japanese companies and their suppliers in target countries by improving the ability and understanding of government agencies, Japanese companies, suppliers and partners to ensure due diligence in human rights issues.

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