Trends and challenges related to decent work and responsible business conduct


OECD and the International Labour Organization (hereinafter ILO.organized a series of webinars on trends and issues related to decent work and responsible business conduct. These webinars provided an opportunity for National Contact Points (hereinafter referred to as NCPs) to receive updates from ILO experts on topical labor issues, as well as to exchange information and experiences on topics of mutual interest.
The meeting was attended by employees of the Secretariat of Kazakhstan NCP - A. Musina, G. Sman.
On May 24th of this year, the first webinar on "Safe and Healthy Working Environment as a Fundamental Principle and Right at Work" was held under the chairmanship of Karl Pfeffer - Senior Program Officer, ILO International Training Center.
During the webinar, Francisco Santos O'Connor - ILO Consultant, spoke about the International Labor Conference's decision in June 2022 to amend the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
The main purpose of the Declaration: "All Member States, even if they have not ratified the relevant Conventions (No. 155 and 187), are bound to respect, promote and realize in good faith and in conformity with the Constitution the principles relating to fundamental rights which are the subject of those Conventions."
On May 31 of this year, the second webinar on "Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the Workplace" was held. Valentina Beghini, ILO Legal Officer, noted that violence and harassment at work are widespread. However, the ILO Convention (No. 190) requires Member States to take into account violence and harassment involving third parties, where applicable, when adopting an inclusive, comprehensive, and gender-sensitive approach.

The third webinar, held on June 14 this year on the topic of "Review of current dispute resolution and grievance mechanisms" covered the International Labor Standards and Grievance Recommendations, 1967 (No. 130).
It was also noted that forced arbitration is a restriction on the right to strike and is incompatible with voluntary collective bargaining, as well as several objectives of conflict management: for commitment and motivation of workers, for productivity and profitability, for building trust between workers and managers, etc. In this case, the ILO Charter provides guidance derived from international labor standards: "Universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice".
At the end of the webinars, participants exchanged views and discussed what additional actions are needed to prevent and eradicate violence and harassment at work, as well as to resolve conflict situations.
In conclusion, the participants were thanked for a fruitful and interesting discussion.

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Saved: 09.03.2025

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