UN Guidelines and National Baseline Assessment
On 14 February 2023, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point represented by Institute for Economic Research JSC (hereinafter - NCP) took part in the presentation of the National Baseline Assessmen.organised by the United Nations Development Programme (hereinafter - UNDP) and funded by the Government of Japan. The assessment is based on the Guidelines on Business and Human Rights, adopted in 2011, and is conducted to identify the main risks, areas and gaps to assess the adverse human rights impacts caused by business activities. The results of the assessment will form the basis for the development of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (hereinafter - NAP). It is worth noting that three years after the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles, the UN Human Rights Council called on all member states to develop NAPs as a means of implementing the UN Guidelines. In line with the UN Guidelines, NAPs should be based on international human rights standards, reflecting the complementarity, interdependence and interrelatedness of state obligations and the responsibility of business to prevent, mitigate and address adverse business-related human rights impacts. Indira Beisekeyeva, on behalf of the NCP Secretariat, presented the main areas of work under the "human rights" pillar of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In addition, the event presented Japan's experience in developing and implementing the NAP, as well as the risks and expectations of stakeholders from its implementation. Following the presentation, a working group of various stakeholders was formed to support the National Baseline Assessment, raising awareness on business and human rights issues. For reference: The National Contact Point is a collegial advisory body that decides on pending allegations of violations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, including in the areas of information disclosure, human rights, labour and industrial relations, anti-bribery, bribery and extortion, environment, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation. The Government of Japan and UNDP have joined forces to advance the global business human rights agenda through a recently launched project entitled "Promoting Responsible Business Conduct with a Special Focus on Promoting Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains and Effective Use of the UN Guidelines on Business and Human Rights for Just Recovery". Projects implemented in 17 countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, aim to promote the national concept of doing business in a human rights perspective and strengthen responsible business practices of Japanese companies and their suppliers in the target countries by improving the ability and understanding of government authorities, Japanese companies, suppliers and partners to conduct human rights due diligence.
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