Exchange of experience between Sweden and Kazakhstan
On April 28, 2023, a round table on "The Future of Healthcare: Sharing Experience between Sweden and Kazakhstan on Health System Management" was held with the support of the Swedish medical company AstraZeneca. In order to improve the management of the health care system, better face the challenges and find opportunities, Kazakhstan and Sweden are paying great attention to assessing the quality of medical care and finding an approach to ensure the availability of new means of treatment for patients. In this regard, the purpose of this meeting is to share knowledge and experience. Additionally, the meeting is dedicated to optimizing the management of the health care system, facing challenges and finding opportunities to provide new methods of patient care and efficient budget allocation for these purposes. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Sweden to Kazakhstan, Vice-Minister of Health of Kazakhstan, Head of WHO Country Office in Kazakhstan, as well as other representatives of the medical and pharmaceutical sector. In addition, employees of the Secretariat of the National Contact Point (hereinafter - NCP) of Kazakhstan represented by the Head of NCP A. Kasenova, and Project Analyst A. Musina also participated from Kazakhstan. During the meeting it was noted that health and social care in Sweden is divided into 3 levels: • National level - legislation, follow-up and supervision, financial instruments, common objectives and agreements, knowledge division; • Regional level - health and dental services; • Local level - social services, care for the elderly and people with disabilities. In addition, representatives from Sweden noted the categories of pharmaceuticals in their country: • Prescribed under the benefits program; • Prescribed outside of the benefits system; • Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of infectious diseases; • Hospital medications; • Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. Vice-Minister of Health Yessenbayev Beibut spoke about the health care system in Kazakhstan, social health insurance, financing of medica.organizations and provision of medicines. In turn, the NCP Secretariat called on international companies, including pharmaceutical companies, operating in Kazakhstan to comply with responsible business conduct according to OECD standards by facilitating dialog and engaging with stakeholders. In conclusion, the roundtable participants thanked for the informative meeting and noted the topics of discussion for future meetings.
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