Travelling seminar for the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Mangystau region
On October 3, 2023, the Secretariat of the National Contact Point of Kazakhstan (NCP), represented by Economic Research Institute (ERI), held a travelling seminar for business representatives of Mangystau region in Aktau city. The purpose of this meeting is to widely promote and raise awareness among the population on the activities of internationa.organizations, in particular the OECD and the NCP, as an alternative means of resolving disputes concerning multinational enterprises (MNEs). The meeting was attended by NCP's representatives, D. Tyulebekova, Director of the Center for World Economy Research, E. Serik, Director of the Center for Trade Policy Development and G. Sman, Project Assistant The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Mangystau region was represented by A.T. Makhmutov, Deputy Director During the seminar, representatives of the NCP Secretariat spoke about the current activities of the NCP, as well as the role of promoting the OECD Guidelines for MNEs. The Secretariat also spoke about the role played by the NCP in meeting the standards of responsible business conduct for multinational enterprises located in Kazakhstan. In addition, the Secretariat went into detail on the methods of filing complaints with the NCP, as well as on the methods of their consideration, as an alternative tool for resolving disputes against multinational enterprises from legal entities and individuals in accordance with the best international practices of the OECD countries. Business representatives noted that they regularly improve corporate governance. Thus, the functioning of another means of legal protection of the population was met positively by business. Following the meeting, the participants thanked for holding an informative meeting and expressed interest in further studying the standards proposed by the OECD to create conditions for doing business in accordance with best international practices, and the implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. For reference: The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Mangystau region is a territorial division of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", which was established on October 8, 2013 in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan", as well as a non–profit, self-governin.organization uniting business entities in order to create favorable conditions for development based on effective partnership of business and government.
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