Travelling training on human rights in business
On November 10-11, 2023, the NCP Secretariat participated in a travelling training on human rights in business in Burabai settlement.organized by UNDP. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness and strengthen the capacity of representatives of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the UN Guiding Principles on Business in the field of human rights and the process of developing a National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP), which will lead to a better understanding of the business and human rights framework and increase the government's readiness to develop and adopt NAP. It should be noted that the NAP development process can provide: • increasing the level of coordination and coherence of government actions on a range of public policy areas related to business and human rights; • an inclusive process of defining national priorities and specific policies and actions; • transparency and predictability for domestic and international stakeholders; • process of continuous monitoring, measurement and evaluation of the progress of implementation; • platform for ongoing multi-stakeholder dialogue; • flexible but unified format that facilitates international cooperation, coordination and the exchange of best practices and lessons learned. The training was attended by representatives of the Ministries of National Economy, Justice, Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", as well as the National Center for Human Rights and Regional representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan. As part of the training, the Secretariat was represented by speakers on the activities of the NCP in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The presentation was mainly focused on the process of reviewing complaints and the work done on the received complaints. Following the results of the presentation, the listeners noted high interest, and agreements were reached on separate meetings with Regional representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan on possible potential violations of multinational enterprises in the regions of the country.
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