Meeting of the NCP Network
On November 9 and 10, 2023, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point (Secretariat, NCP) took part in an online meeting of the Network of NCP for Responsible Business Conduct (RBC). The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC), the OECD Committee on Business and Industry (BIAC), as well as the civil societ.organization OECD Watch. The event was dedicated to exploring updated information on new topics covering the Guidelines, providing an overview and analysis of updates adapted to the challenges and opportunities of a particular region. The first day of the event included a number of the following sessions: • Discussion of updating the procedures for reviewing appeals (with stakeholders); • Initial discussion of the system of periodic expert assessment; • Updating documents for the NCP. During the first session, the OECD Secretariat made a presentation on "Trends and data on NCP decision-making in the initial assessment". According to the data studied for the period 2000-2022, it is observed that the percentage of specific cases accepted for further consideration fluctuated from year to year, averaging 61%, with the exception of 2000, when only one case was considered, of the total number of cases accepted annually. In addition, on average for the period 2011-2022, 79% of initial assessments exceeded the estimated period of three months. In some cases, the initial assessment procedures took more than six or 12 months. In 2022, it was reported that the percentage of initial assessments that exceeded one year was 42%. Significant increase compared to just 10% in 2021. Thus, the Secretariat recommended that the NCPs work on revising their procedures for handling complaints in accordance with the updated procedures, noting the importance of consultations with stakeholders in this regard. During the second session, a number of options for terms of the new system of expert assessment introduced as a result of updates to the OECD Guidelines were considered. According to information provided by the OECD Secretariat, the number of expert assessments was very uneven between 2017 and 2023. At the same time, it was noted that in some years the activity of peer reviews (considerations) is low, while in others it was necessary to conduct a large number of reviews (considerations) and submit reports. In order to address the issues raised with regard to expert assessment, the Secretariat has presented a number of terms for periodic expert assessments (process, duration of the review and funding mechanisms), they will be defined in the "Basic Template for Peer Reviews of NCP", which will be approved within the framework of the OECD Working Group on Responsible Business Conduct and published on the OECD website. The second day of the event began with a meeting dedicated to the consideration of confidential cases. The meeting, which aims to ensure better coordination and training between the NCP on case studies, was open to representatives of the NCP who are currently dealing with current specific cases. The session continued with a meeting of regional networks within the framework of the Action Plan for Strengthening the NCP (for 2022-2024). Regional networks are seen as a good practice that provides a more flexible format for mutual learning and capacity building among NCPs from the same region. According to the Action Plan, the following regional networks will be established in each region: • Asia-Pacific region: Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand; • Eastern and Central Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine; • France and the Benelux: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands; • Middle East and North Africa countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey; • German speakers: Austria, Germany, Switzerland; • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay; • North Baltic countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden; • Southern Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain; • Transatlantic: Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, USA. As noted in the Action Plan, regional networks should be informal and voluntary. Thus, NCPs are free to join the regional network, and regional networks are encouraged to keep in touch with other regional networks for mutual exchange of experience. In conclusion, representatives of the OECD Secretariat expressed gratitude to the participants of the discussion for the contribution they made to the discussion, and also noted that the next meeting of the Network of NCP will be held on June 24, 2024. Moreover, the OECD Secretariat invited the NCP to take note that the Forum on Due Diligence in the Clothing and Footwear Industry will be held on February 20-22, 2024.
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