Ensuring responsible supplies


On February 26, 2024, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point, represented by the Economic Research Institute JSC, participated in an online webinar on "Ensuring responsible supply chains.organized by UNDP.

The event wa.organized to discuss key aspects of ensuring accountability in supply chains and to present advanced strategies and methods that contribute to the creation of efficient and sustainable supply chains. During the event, UNDP experts such as Olena Uvarova, an international UNDP expert on business and human rights, Akiko Sato, a UNDP liaison specialist in the Business and human rights project, shared their knowledge and experience in the field of compliance with ethical standards, minimizing risks and taking responsible approaches in business. The focus and analysis focused on such areas as the importance of responsible supply chains for sustainable business development, best practices and strategies for ensuring social responsibility in supply chains, methods and tools for risk management and increasing transparency in supply chains.

Also, within the framework of the event, a special session was held by Tomoko Hasegawa, Managing Director of Keidanren Japan Business Federation. She discussed in detail how corporations should play a key role in ensuring the sustainable development of society by creating added value that benefits society and provides employment. 

"To achieve this goal, it is necessary to strictly adhere to both the letter and the spirit of relevant laws, regulations and international standards, as well as fulfill their obligations. It is important to act in accordance with ten principles, which include respect for ethical values and acceptance of social responsibility," she concluded.

At the end of the webinar, the participants expressed gratitude for the informative discussion and noted the value of the materials presented. The event concluded with a general call for continued cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of responsible supply chains.

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Saved: 09.03.2025

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