NCP and Astana Electrotechnical Plant
On February 22, 2024, representatives of the Economic Research Institute, including the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point (NCP), visited the Astana Electrotechnical Plant (AETP). The visit provided a unique opportunity to get an idea of the plant's work and take part in a productive discussion of the functions of the Kazakhstan NCP. This visit contributed to a better understanding of the standards of responsible business conduct and due diligence. The visit was attended by the staff of the Secretariat of the NCP of Kazakhstan M. Nauruzov and G. Battalova. A.S. Syzdykov, General Director of AETP, conducted an in-depth tour of the plant, demonstrating advanced production processes and technological innovations that contribute to the success of the plant in the electrical industry. During the visit, A.S. Syzdykov had a conversation with a representative of the NCP, having received information about its functions. The role of the NCP in promoting standards of responsible business conduct and due diligence was highlighted. Both sides stressed the importance of implementing standards of responsible business conduct and due diligence. During the discussion, the need to create a business environment in which transparency, accountability and sustainable practices are given priority was emphasized. As a future initiative, the parties discussed the possibility o.organizing a joint seminar in order to familiarize all AETP employees with the functions of the Kazakhstan NCP, promote a common understanding of responsible business conduct within th.organization, as well as explain the mechanisms for submitting complaints. In conclusion, the participants thanked for the constructive and interesting introduction to the workflow and discussion. Astana Electrotechnical Plant LLP is one of the leading Kazakhstani manufacturers of electrical equipment.
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