Round table on the role of government in optimizing due diligence and responsible business conduct was held in Paris


On March 8, 2024, round table on the role of government in optimizing the due diligence of responsible business conduct Round table, RBC) was held in Paris (France). Delegates from about 50 countries took part in the work and discussions of the Round Table.

Representatives of the Secretariat of the NCP of Kazakhstan, represented by Economic Research Institute JSC (ERI), also took part in this event. The round table provides a space for dialogue between policy makers and experts responsible for developing and implementing policies that ensure and promote responsible business conduct.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently concluded a highly successful international conference in Paris on the issues of public health and cooperation for the purpose of development.

Kristina Kaufmann, Chairman of the OECD Working Group on RBC and Carsten Stour, Chairman of the OECD Development Assistance Committee, made informative introductory remarks, emphasizing the importance of joint efforts in promoting responsible business conduct and sustainable development.

The first session was devoted to assessing the impact of due diligence policies and regulations. Participants engaged in an open dialogue, shared experiences, and discussed specific policy tools and approaches to optimize the impact of due diligence policies. Key ideas were provided by Musdhalifa Mahmoud from the Coordinating Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Indonesia and Roselyn Fosua Ajei, Director of Climate Change at the Ghana Forestry Commission.

The second session reviewed the lessons learned from the implementation of RBC in government activities, with a special focus on public procurement. Ryerson Neal from the secretariat of the NCP of Canada, and Marisol Montero from the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica, shared valuable information about the problems and opportunities of promoting the RBC in public procurement processes.

At the final meeting, the issues of integrating the principles of RBC into development cooperation efforts were discussed. The participants exchanged views on the interaction of the Department of Internal Affairs and development cooperation, identifying potential synergies and obstacles. Notable contributions were made by Mandeep Singh Jangi from USAID and Claudia-Dominique Geyser from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

The event ended with a sense of optimism and commitment to continuing cooperation in promoting responsible business conduct and achieving sustainable development goals.

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Saved: 09.03.2025

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