OECD Watch and NCP


On March 12, 2024, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point, represented by the Economic Research Institute JSC, participated in an online format in the welcome meeting of the OECD Working Group on Responsible Business Conduct (Working Group) and the NCPs of other countries, timed to the presentation of the activities of the OECD Watch.

The purpose of the meeting is to promote a deeper understanding of the work of OECD Watch with civil society and governments, as well as a constructive dialogue between OECD Watch and governments, explore new ideas for cooperation and strengthen interaction between adherents and civil society in their countries.

Representatives of OECD Watch made an introductory presentation at the event, which covered the main aspects of th.organization's activities in the field of corporate responsibility. The presentation included the main principles and objectives of the OECD Watch, as well as examples of specific initiatives and projects aimed at supporting the principles enshrined in the OECD recommendations. The participants of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with the positive changes in the behavior of multinational corporations achieved through the efforts of OECD Watch.

The meeting became a platform for active discussion of the submitted materials, exchange of opinions and practical experience. The participants were able to identify key challenges and prospects for development of corporate responsibility, which was an important step towards further strengthening this area.

The issues of how the NCP and the Working Group can interact with OECD Watch and civil society were also discussed.
The event ended with a general recognition of its fruitfulness and informativeness, as well as with an expression of gratitude from the participants for the discussion.

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Saved: 09.03.2025

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