Expert assessment of the NCP of Romania
In the period from March 12 to 14, 2024, the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point (NCP) participated in travelling visit as part of the expert assessment of the Romanian NCP, expert team of which, along with Kazakhstan, included representatives of the OECD Secretariat, as well as NCP of Spain and Portugal. At this event, Kazakhstan was represented by Indira Beisekeyeva, Head of Secretariat of NCP. The purpose of the expert assessment is to analyze the functioning of the Romanian NCP in accordance with the main performance criteria, identify the strengths of the NCP and provide recommendations for improving activities. In addition, the travelling visit serves as a learning and experience exchange tool for all participating NCPs. Thus, Romania joined the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises in 2005 and in the same year the NCP of Romania was established in accordance with Government decision 420/2005. This decision establishes the basic structure of the NCP, which includes representatives of the government, business and academia. The secretariat of the Romanian NCP is located in the Office of Foreign Investment of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade (ARICE). According to the OECD rules on expert assessments, the visit took place in the format of meetings with representatives of Romanian government agencies, business associations, civil society and trade unions. During the meetings, the "Chatham House" rule was used, where participants freely expressed themselves and used the information they received, without revealing their identity. Also during the visit, an exchange of experience wa.organized, in which representatives of the NCP of Spain, Portugal and Kazakhstan spoke about the practice of functioning of the NCP on their territory. Within the framework of this event, I. Beisekeyeva spoke about the activities of the Kazakh NCP, went into the details on the stages and reasons for reforms in the work of the NCP of Kazakhstan, such as changing the structure, voting rules, etc. In addition,I. Beisekeyeva shared her experience of reviewing complaints submitted to the NCP, as well as what problems and questions she had to face in this direction. As a result, the expert team prepared and presented preliminary recommendations for improving the further activities of the Romanian NCP. Also, as soon as the final report on the expert assessment of the Romanian NCP is prepared, it will be presented and considered at the next meeting of the OECD Working Group on Responsible Business Conduct. The Romanian NCP will also have 12 months from the date of presentation of the report on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the final report.
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