Round table "Practical implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in business in the aspect of human rights: international experience and recommendations for Kazakhstan"
On April 5, 2024, round table was held on "Practical implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in Business in the aspect of human rights: international experience and recommendations for Kazakhstan.organized by UNDP in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the round table is to raise awareness of the UN Guiding Principles, to study international experience in development and adoption of National Action Plans in the field of business and human rights, as well as to present UNDP recommendations for a potential National Action Plan of Kazakhstan. For reference: In 2022, UNDP, with the support of the Government of Japan, conducted the Kazakhstani's first National Baseline Assessment(NBA) of the implementation of the UN Guidelines in the country. The data obtained helped to develop a set of recommendations for development of a potential NAP to strengthen the protection of human rights in business activities in Kazakhstan. The Round Table was attended by representatives of government agencies such as the Ministries of National Economy, Justice, Labor and Social Protection, Ecology and Natural Resources, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the National Center for Human Rights, trade unions, business communities, representatives of diplomatic missions and internationa.organizations, representatives of the academic community, as well as the Secretariat of National Contact Point. The Round Table discussed international experience, including the experience of Japan and the Kyrgyz Republic, in the development of national plans, and prospects for their implementation. In his speech, E. Dzhambulov, Director of Department of Business Development Policy of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that the planned development of policy document in the field of human rights and business performs a number of important functions related to ensuring sustainable and responsible business, protecting human rights, maintaining justice and creating a favorable business environment. In addition, this document will contribute to the development of harmonious relations between business, society and the state. "In this context, the recommendations of the UNDP experts can become a starting point for consideration by the working group and submission to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and all stakeholders. I would like to emphasize that it is important that state bodies work in close interrelationship with each other, since the protection of human rights is a fundamental institution,"- he said. Following the results of the Round Table, the participants noted the need to implement the Action Plan in the field of the Supremacy of Law and Human Rights, approved by Decree of the President of Kazakhstan dated December 8, 2023 No. 409, and to develop proposals to ensure respect for human rights in business activities, taking into account the UN guiding principles.
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